I believe that from time to time, we all entertain fantasies about finding a great-looking car in need of repairs, then wrenching away for months in order to roll out a show winner. But in most cases those grandiose plans remain in our heads. However, some folks act on their dreams and ideas, and the results can be awe inspiring.
Such is the case with Elaine and Kip Kallweit's 1974 TVR 2500M. One of the cars that graces their collection of fine automobiles.
The Kallweit's purchased the TVR as a wreck, back in 2004, in Seattle, Washington, and had it shipped home to Maple Ridge, B.C. where Kip spent six years restoring and customizing to a V8. Elaine did the custom leather upholstery.
The combined efforts yielded an amazing-looking automobile, which Elaine and Kip show during summers, in the All British Car Show at Van Duzen Gardens in Vancouver.
Elaine tells us the TVR is a real head turner on the road, and that V8 engine makes it sound real mean. We believe her.
For more information about these great automobiles, visit the TVR M Series page on Wikipedia. And for a great selection of restoration books and manuals, visit The Motor Bookstore's Restoration Manuals & Guides section.

Such is the case with Elaine and Kip Kallweit's 1974 TVR 2500M. One of the cars that graces their collection of fine automobiles.
The Kallweit's purchased the TVR as a wreck, back in 2004, in Seattle, Washington, and had it shipped home to Maple Ridge, B.C. where Kip spent six years restoring and customizing to a V8. Elaine did the custom leather upholstery.
The combined efforts yielded an amazing-looking automobile, which Elaine and Kip show during summers, in the All British Car Show at Van Duzen Gardens in Vancouver.
Elaine tells us the TVR is a real head turner on the road, and that V8 engine makes it sound real mean. We believe her.
For more information about these great automobiles, visit the TVR M Series page on Wikipedia. And for a great selection of restoration books and manuals, visit The Motor Bookstore's Restoration Manuals & Guides section.